To our New Members and Volunteers:
We want to thank you for joining and being an active member of our PMICIC community, and for all that you have contributed this year, we are grateful. Join us the evening of December 10 for the New Member Welcome and Volunteer Appreciation Event at Silo Auto Club Conservancy in Indianapolis!! The program will provide food & drinks, chapter recognition announcements, as well as games, tours, and mingling with your fellow members in this exclusive unique venue displaying Style. Elegance. Luxury. All in a one-of-a-kind setting you won’t find anywhere else in Indy!
This invitation is extended to PMICIC New Members who joined between 7/1/22 - 12/10/22 and current 2022 volunteers. In addition, we want to extend an offer to allow a plus one adult guest for each registration. Parking is free in the lot provided. Please complete your registration no later than midnight, November 30. Members joining after November 30, please contact to register. For further information regarding venue rules please visit