Chapter Meeting and Miscellaneous Events

  • A full refund will be made if request for cancellation/refund is received 24 hours in advance of the meeting/event (the time registration opens is the official start of the meeting/event).


Professional Development Events (Workshops, Certifications Classes, Conferences)

  • 90% of the registration amount will be refunded if the request for cancellation/refund is received more than 30 days prior to the event.
  • 75% of the registration amount will be refunded if the request for cancellation/refund is received between 29 and 8 days prior to the event.
  • If request for refunds are received less than 7 days prior to the start of the event, the refund will not be processed since monetary outlays have been incurred for meals and materials.



All requests for refunds must be made in writing to the Executive Vice President of Professional Development (

Registrations cannot be transferred between people or between events. 

Refunds will be applied to the original credit card.