Monthly Chapter Meeting

The PMI of Central Indiana Chapter hosts monthly dinner meetings where members can network and earn Professional Development Units (PDUs) by attending the presentations. The meetings typically have an attendance of between 20 and 50 people and consist of networking, dinner, chapter business, and a guest speaker. The purpose of the meeting is to provide educational and informative programs on trends in project management, as well as opportunities to network with others who share your interest in project management.

WHO: Meetings can be attended by both members and non-members; members will receive a discount.  

WHAT: The educational portion of the program will feature a one-hour presentation (1 PDU) and a half-hour chapter updates and networking session (0 PDUs). Speakers and topics are posted under the Calendar of Events

WHEN: Meetings are typically held on the third Wednesday of the month. Doors open at 6:00 pm, and speaker presentations begin at 6:30 p.m, with dinner being provided during the event. A brief networking session will convene after the dinner from 7:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 

WHERE:  Meetings are typically held in hybrid fashion: both in-person in Indianapolis and via livestream. Attendees can register in advance for either option. The in-person meeting location will be available on each Chapter Meeting calendar event on our website and in our newsletters.

DON'T FORGET! Check out these areas when attending a meeting:

  • Certification: Did you pass the PMP or CAPM exam this month? Expect a special round of applause!

Want to be a presenter at one of our chapter events? 

Please visit Become a Speaker page for information and instructions.